CitraTest RPA
End to End Response Time
Monitoring for Every Application
CitraTest RPA


CitraTest APM: A tool for active application monitoring

Business organizations should not wait untilproblems occur in applications. Active monitoring for all applications is a must to properly address application health issues. Monitoring all the systems should be a proactive effort, so that problems within applications can be avoided before they occur. Active monitoring tools for application can be achieved by monitoring the threshold values of various parts of the IT infrastructure like network bandwidth, CPU memory and application health parameters. In case the system crosses the threshold value, system health checks need to be performed. The health check and corrective action can proactively avoid system and application crashes. CitraTest APM is an all encompassing APM solution which enables IT professionals to undertake active monitoring for all business applications.

CitraTest APM is Active, Consistent and Real

CitraTest APM periodically executes non-real transactions and takes response time measurements along the way. By automating the driving of an application just like a real user at the client end, CitraTest APM can ensure that all critical aspects of an application or service are available and working within limits and provide an alert in case there is any error. CitraTest APM enables active monitoring by monitoring system and application health and taking corrective action prior the occurrence of an error. CitraTest APM actively monitors application health to ensure troubleshooting for errors before they affect end users.

CitraTest APM is the only IT performance solution for SLA and active monitoring of every application that is accessible from Windows PC. These applications and environments include all custom applications, home-grown applications, green screen applications, web applications, Java, Cerner, Millennium, Tarantella, XenApp, XenServer, XenDesktop, Citrix Presentation Server, Citrix Metaframe, Virtual PC, Terminal Services, Terminal Server, Propalms, SAP, Oracle, all client server applications, thick client, all Terminal Emulation modes (3270, 5250, VT100, etc.), PeopleSoft, .NET, and Progress Software.

Aberdeen "Best-in-Class companies identified by Aberdeen surveys and interviews were found to be twice as likely as others to manage deployed services proactively. This demonstrates and underscores how solutions such as Tevron's CitraTest APM can help companies to maximize the business value of their IT investments by monitoring application performance proactively and comprehensively."

- Michael Dortch
Senior Analyst, Aberdeen
Author of the recent study "Performance in a Service-Oriented Architecture World."